What i Stand for

About Ken

Who is Ken Johnson?

Ken Johnson: Where the “American Dream” Meets “Deutsche Effizienz”   Ken Johnson is an unshakable optimist with over 30 years of experience in retail and sales, helping individuals and organizations discover their edge and dominate their markets. He developed FocusUp to empower leaders to elevate performance through structured systems and strategic insights.

My Journey

While leading top companies in Europe, I founded FocusUp to understand what sets elite performance apart. Through careful observation and real-world application, I uncovered the transformative power of structured systems-the key to exceptional leadership and peak performance.

Introducing The Performance Factor of FocusUp

The Performance Factor is an actionable system I designed to nurture leadership and empower individuals to achieve extraordinary success. At the core of FocusUp, this approach helps leaders and individuals elevate their game and make a lasting impact.

Ken Johnson’s Vision

I am dedicated to helping people and businesses grow, disrupt traditional approaches, and build winning skills for success. My mission is to connect with like-minded individuals worldwide through FocusUp. Are you ready to join me? As a two-time award winning retailer, transformational speaker, and business coach, I have guided hundreds to shift mindsets, take bold action, and create a bigger impact. My passion is to help you achieve your dreams with the systems I preach.

Unlock Your Killer Instinct: Elevate Your Life, Lead with Focus, and Dominate Your Market. Factor Forged with Ken Johnson FocusUp

Ken Johnson